Katherine E. Reinhart
Seattle, WA
Monday, 10:29 AM
Dear Friend,
My name is Kat, and I’m the author of Guide to the Gates. I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for purchasing in my book!
This book is my first published offering to the world on the topic of spirituality, personal growth, and astromancy, and I hope that it helps you, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro with Human Design and the Gene Keys - but it definitely isn't going to be my last.
In fact, I have something new in the works already - that I am thrilled to share with you today!
But before we get into it, can I just ask you a couple of questions?
First: are you committed to awakening to your cosmic self, being fully in your magic, and healing in order to dream into existence a beautiful new world that is beneficial for everyone?
And second: are you either:
a) a spiritual seeker who grew up in a material world that gaslit you into not believing in magic;
b) a lifelong spiritual practitioner who is looking to become more anchored in the 3D in order to help people;
or c) someone who grew up in a strict religion, that you have come to realize was harmful, and are now working to deprogram your mind and recover from the trauma it caused?
If you answered yes to these questions, then I am really looking forward to getting to know you and working together - and I invite you to continue reading to find out what I’m working on next.
I know what you're thinking right now... oh boy, one of those really long sales pages that I have to scroll to the bottom of.
But I invite you to look at it in a new way - to use the D to C principle and go from Dismissive to Curious.
Yes, this is a sales page - but it is also a magical activation code.
By the way, no ChatGPTs were engaged in writing this sales page - or my book, by the way.
I have crafted every single word by hand,
over and over,
weaving my energy and cosmic activation codes into this page, and all of my work,
now and forever.
My goal is for this sales page to be valuable to you even if you have no intention to buy what I'm going to share with you (though I know that if it's aligned for you, you will!)
I'm really grateful that you are here, and that you're reading these words.
You are exactly the type of person that I want to connect with, to help you awaken on your path and find fellow cosmic weirdos to vibe with, and to build the new world that we are all dreaming of, together.
You're interested in Human Design and the Gene Keys, but you're also skeptical of gurus and "systems". Hey, me too!
I also hope that you are - and will continue to be - skeptical of me!
That's called discernment and it's something that is severely lacking in the spiritual world.
And it's the reason that I've spent years searching for my own role. I have no desire to be seen as a guru or an "expert" to mimic. I want to be a key that helps you to unlock your own genius within you!
My own Zone of Genius is this exact work: helping people just like you to understand themselves better in order to evolve spiritually.
In fact, it's in my Gene Keys - I am the server of aspiration. I'm here to help you find your aspiration - and serve it to you in the easiest and most aligned manner!
I want to talk to you for a moment about manifestation.
Most people believe that your mindset is the key to manifestation.
However, the exact opposite is true: The most important thing you need in order to manifest your dreams is a supportive worldview.
You are probably familiar with the concept of mindset, in reference to having a Growth Mindset or a Fixed Mindset. The fact that you are reading this means that you embody this concept and have a strong Growth Mindset!
(These Mindset concepts come to us from the work of Dr. Carol Dweck, by the way - she's an influential psychologist in this area and literally wrote the book on Mindset.)
However, the most Growth Oriented Mindset can’t help you much if you are living with an outdated Worldview.
You see, your Mindset only applies to what is internal to yourself - your Worldview represents your mental framework for understanding everything EXTERNAL to yourself.
And in order to manifest - that is, to dream a new reality into existence - you are relying on what is external to yourself - so your worldview MUST be supportive!
Most worldviews fall into one of a few categories: magic, mythic, scientific, and Integral.
(Now we're diving into the work of Ken Wilber, in my opinion - the most influential American philosopher of the modern era.)
You see, most people go through the same series of evolution of their worldview as they mature, from a toddler to a child to a young adult.
This series goes from believing that you are not separate from, and can control, the world yourself (magic)...
... to believing that adults, God, or gods control the world and must be bargained with and appeased (mythic)...
... to recognizing the agency of other people in the world and rejecting the idea of Gods entirely (scientific)...
... to an integration of all of these perspectives and understanding that the true nature of reality encompasses all these and more (integral).
However, this disturbing fact is true: Most adults have a less advanced worldview than your average teenager. The majority of adults today either subscribe to the mythic worldview, in which an all-powerful God controls the world and must be appeased...
(this comes along with the control of women, belief that witchcraft and divination are sins, and the idea that the church alone can "save" you...)
... OR the worldview in which the outside world is an entirely deterministic machine, composed of physical building blocks in motion, leaving no room for magic.
What’s worse, when people “step up” from one worldview to the next, they tend to reject everything about the previous one, and assume that their new worldview is “the right one”.
This leads to a lot of conflict, division, war, genocide, and almost everything wrong on the planet right now.
Whether it’s due to trauma keeping them operating at a younger worldview or simply a lack of exposure to more advanced knowledge, most adults stopped growing long before they hit true maturity.
However, YOU aren't like most people, are you? You're here to grow, to evolve, and to help shine a light for others.
The truth is, if you hold an Integral worldview, you are among the top 2% of thinkers on the planet.
And - I believe you are already there, whether you know it or not!
You know that there’s more than science can explain, but at the same time, you recognize that science has given us so much - after all, we are communicating right now across space and time thanks to a global network of computers -
which are, if you think about it, magic crystals charged by lightning!
You know that you and I are alive today because of vaccines that prevent childhood illness, and that modern "western" medicine is a miracle in certain situations - and yet, there is corruption in the "medical-industrial complex" (run by people with, you guessed it, outdated worldviews) and often, a more natural approach is healthier!
You know that spirituality encompasses, rather than negating, all of these concepts. Science AND spirituality can coexist!
And you are craving connection and community with likeminded people, as well as access to ideas and information not easily found on Al Gore's Internet - without wandering too far off into the land of "woo-anon" flat-earthers.
It's not easy to find. Spiritual "memberships" are a dime a dozen these days (though they're usually either ridiculously expensive, or so low-touch they're basically worthless.)
And so I am building what I wanted when I started out - community and access to information, financially accessible but without pressure to show up as anything but yourself.
And one of the foundational aspects of that - and of my Integral worldview - is Human Design!
In an ideal world, we would teach the intuitive sciences in school, and you would learn astrology and Human Design (along with psychic skills) in school.
However, most adults today - even among those who are committed to spirituality - don’t really know much about astrology beyond their Sun Sign, or maybe their “big three”, and many who haven't even HEARD of HD.
That’s why, while my mission is so much larger than just Human Design, I like to start with it because it is so fundamental to my own belief system and how I developed my Integral worldview.
And it's why I want to offer you a chance to learn about your unique Design - with a FREE 30 minute, one on one session with yours truly.
I want to empower you to understand your Design and use it as a framework for making sense of your life and planning your future.
Live, one-on-one reading with me -
A $111 Value!!
I know if you’re reading this there’s a good chance that you’re fairly new to Human Design and might not really know much about it.
Since Human Design is such an individual thing, you can spend a ton of time searching Google or scrolling social media and find a lot of surface level stuff, but unless you are looking at your own Design, you won’t get much out of it.
Our Design reflects so much of how we experience the world - from how we are affected by our environment and how we affect others, to how we take in information best and our best strategy for making decisions. The best way, hands down, to gain an understanding of Human Design is to have someone more experienced walk you through your unique blueprint in a 1:1 session!
That’s why I am offering a FREE 30 minute 1:1 session to anyone who says yes to this offer!
If you’re brand new to Human Design, this is the absolute best way to get started on your path. I’ll go through all of the 9 centers and show you how they connect to each other, and what this means for you and how you experience your environment and your relationships.
You’ll learn which centers you have defined, and which are undefined, and what that means for your unique blueprint.
You’ll gain insight into how you are affected by your environment and how you may unknowingly impact others.
You’ll learn your Type, Strategy, and Authority, and what that all means.
You’ll also gain actionable strategies for daily life that will help you live more in alignment with how you’re uniquely equipped for life on Earth.
And if you’re already fairly familiar with your own Design, we can go deeper into your chart, OR we can talk about your astrology, your Gene Keys, or we can do a 30-minute intuitive reading session - whatever you choose!
I generally do these meetings via Zoom, but if that isn’t your thing, or you’re on the other side of the world and we can’t find a good time to meet, I’ll personally record a video for you going over the same things that we would discuss live, and give you the opportunity to ask questions via a Telegram chat or email.
Why am I offering this, which is normally a paid service priced at $111?
First of all, I absolutely LOVE meeting people and connecting, especially when it’s in a way that helps empower them. (What can I say, I am a 4th line profile!)
Plus, I also know that it will help you get to know me and see what I have to offer, and is a great way for you to see if you want to work more closely with me!
I'm offering you a free 1-on-1 session as a "thank you" for signing up for a free trial to my new community membership, the Cosmic Abundance Collective.
The thing that makes the Collective absolutely unique in the spiritual membership world is that it is anchored by a physical monthly newsletter, called Cosmically Abundant.
If you say YES! to a 1-month trial membership, with absolutely no commitment, along with the next issue of Cosmically Abundant -
You will receive the 1:1 reading completely free.
In fact, I believe so strongly that the Cosmic Abundance Collective will unlock your cosmic awareness and change your life that I've assembled four more free gifts you also get to keep (even if you decide to cancel your trial).
Here they are...
(A $44 Value!)
Learning Human Design can be intimidating and confusing - I know that as well as anyone! That’s why I wrote the book, Guide to the Gates!
My mission is to simplify it and make it accessible to as many people as I can, because I truly believe in its life-changing power.
However, I know that there are a LOT of new concepts and terms, especially if you aren’t already familiar with all of the underlying systems - the Qabala Tree of Life, the I Ching, and the Chakras in particular.
In order to make our 1:1 time more personal to YOU, I’ve recorded a 45 minute introduction to all of the terms and concepts that you can watch first, before we meet, so that we can get into what makes YOUR body graph unique, rather than going over the fundamentals.
You’ll even retain access to this Master Class if you decide to cancel your trial - it’s yours forever!
(A $33 Value!)
One of the biggest mistakes that I've made in my career as a reader is... assuming you (the client) know more than you do.
I've spent a decade and a half immersed in this world, so I know it inside and out.
And sometimes I forget that most of my clients have not spent 15 years absorbing everything astrological.
I also tend to assume - again, wrongly - that people who are interested in Human Design and the Gene Keys already have a strong background in Astrology.
I have accidentally alienated clients by assuming their level of knowledge was too high (oops!)
I've also found myself spending most of an hour-long session explaining things that are foundational - instead of individual.
This reduces the value my clients receive AND it's not as much fun for me.
So I created Decoding Your Birth Chart to send to every reading client beforehand, so we can dive into what makes your chart yours, instead of studying the basics of the system. And I'm giving you this Master Class for FREE.
A $11 Value!
One of the most common mistakes I see spiritual seekers make is to neglect their bodies and health in their pursuit of “ascension”.
(Second to that is the misconception that physical health is a result of being "spiritually aligned" - that's just toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing, but that's another topic altogether.)
It’s a common misconception that we have to transcend our bodies in order to grow spiritually.
However, that couldn’t be further from the truth!
You see, everyone focuses on spiritual evolution, but equally important is the concept of involution - that is, Spirit - your eternal and cosmic soul (that has likely lived elsewhere in the universe relatively recently) - descending into the 3D and into the material realm.
In order to become more evolved - we must become more involved.
Plus, it’s so much easier to meditate when our bodies are feeling good.
A LOT of the issues that we face in our spiritual journey are actually material in nature, and can be drastically improved by improving the quality of our food, sleep, and other fundamentals.
That’s why I wrote this eBook - it contains all of the biggest changes I’ve made over the last 5 years in order to significantly improve my physical health, which have helped me accelerate my spiritual progress.
Even if you just implement 1 of the strategies I outline in this eBook, you will see amazing progress!
If you implement all of them - you will be unstoppable!
(A $14 Value!)
Because of how important meditation is to any spiritual practice, and just reading an e-book won't necessarily magically transform your habits, I am also including this 14-day email course and meditation challenge.
These will serve as a daily reminder and accountability program as you build your meditation habit.
You'll get an email every day at the same time, reminding you - and challenging you - step by step.
At the end of 14 days, you will be a confident, daily meditator - and you will start to see results!
OK, that's all you get.
To sum things up, I'm giving you the five bonuses I detailed above FOR FREE.
Here's a screenshot of everything:
Intro to Your Human Design (30 Minute Live 1:1 Session) - $111 Value
Human Design 101 (45 Minute Master Class) - $44 Value
Decoding Your Birth Chart (45 Minute Master Class) - $33 Value
Life Changing Bio Hacks (22 Page eBook) - $22 Value
Build the Meditation Habit (14 Day Email Course) - $14 Value
I am giving you instant access to all five of these bonuses—for free—just for agreeing to a free trial to my new membership and newsletter, Cosmically Abundant..
So why am I giving you all of this?!
It's not because I hate making money. The reason I'm offering you these five products for free is because I know The Cosmic Abundance Collective will change the course of your life.
You see, just a few years ago, I was burned out, anxious, depressed, drinking too much every day, and didn't believe in anything beyond the physical.
This was early on in the pandemic - you remember those days! Isolated, scared, depressed... all of it.
I knew I needed to make a change. I decided to give spiritual development and meditation a try.
I started a Sober October challenge, and I started meditating every day using an app called Insight Timer.
(I still have that streak going, btw. Almost 1300 days as of this writing!)
It was slow, hard work, but bit by bit, I found my path. It led me back to Astrology (which I had left behind after a horrible breakup and Menty B... but that's another story for another day)... then to shamanism, psychic training, energy healing, and Human Design & Gene Keys.
But it wasn't until I started training as a Gene Keys reader that the purpose of my life, and my life's work, truly clicked...
You see, my Gene Keys teacher and mentor laid out a formula so simple, but the message for me was so profound...
I am the server of aspiration. (That's my Life's Work!)
And I am the cells of awakening. (That is my Purpose!)
And that realization has changed the course of my life - and brought me here!
My goal - my life's work - is to bring this message to as many people as humanly possible. And I knew that just doing 1:1 readings was not the path for me, since it just doesn't scale.
My hope is that this work will be as transformative for you as it has been for me!
Not everyone wants to spend their lifetime uncovering esoteric texts and meditating to find the Secrets of Life.
Most of us would rather download the user's manual, run the algorithm, and go out and share the gifts - without all the hard work of discovery.
And that's okay! We don't all need to become monks in order to grow and mature spiritually.
But how would I get this message out to as many people as I possibly could? The world is just so noisy today, and email inboxes are crowded, everyone has an online course, and social media... well, it's just a mess.
Then I met my marketing and copywriting mentor!
His message was so clearly profound...
"You have a unique voice that needs to be heard, and a critically important message to share! It is selfish to keep hiding your light. In order to be the servant you know you are born to be, you MUST learn how to market and sell."
And I knew he was right.
The thing that made me invest in his mentorship, though, the thing that really hooked me - is that he is committed to doing things the old way - the analog way.
And then it hit me. No one in the spirituality spaces that I am in is currently publishing a monthly physical newsletter!
It's a chance for me to stand out and get my message across to you. And a chance for YOU to disconnect from the mass-distraction social media machine, and finally connect to YOUR purpose and life's work... offline, the old school way, the analog way.
You will look forward to the mail arriving every month! You can save it for a Saturday morning when you can sit on the front porch, drinking your cacao, while you read the newsletter.
You will feel the thick glossy paper between your hands, and read every word without distraction.
And best of all -
You will be able to enjoy it - learn from it - be activated by it - without being distracted by ads, feeling the urge to scroll, or worrying about missing it in the black hole of your email inbox.
Cosmically Abundant is the #1 - heck, the only physical monthly newsletter in the world about cosmic awakening, astromancy, and the esoteric arts.
Make no bones about it, the newsletter is also about something a lot of people are talking about: Enlightenment! But with a twist.
You see, here's the truth about enlightenment:
We see it as something to strive for, but once you attain it - you cease to exist! Sometimes, permanently!
The famous writer, Eckhart Tolle, spent years living on the street, in a complete divine stupor!
He was so enlightened that he didn't need money, or shelter, or anything beyond food and water.
The irony is that now he is one of the most sought after writers, speakers, and teachers in the spiritual domain.
He has everything anybody could ever want!
But the rest of us still have material desires. And that's okay!
You see, our souls incarnate until we have attained all of our desires - material and otherwise. It is actually spiritual to desire a better, more comfortable, richer life!
And following a spiritual system will get you there faster!
The bottom line is this: My goal with Cosmically Abundant is to help you not only become your specific unique genius, it's to help you build the spiritual AND material life you wish for.
Every issue of Cosmically Abundant is designed to bring you one step closer to this ideal.
This is the message that my copywriting mentor really drilled into my head. He told me that it doesn't matter how many books I read, courses I take, certifications I complete...
Unless I am contributing, all of my courses, books, and certifications are worthless.
This book, Guide to the Gates, is my first contribution to the world. But Cosmically Abundant will be what really unlocks the next level in our mission.
I truly believe that by incarnating on Earth today, you and I are on a shared mission on this planet.
And Cosmically Abundant is my way of finding you and helping you in your unique role in this mission.
So I know it will change your life - and our planet! And I am so confident that it will, that I am going all out with these bribes, in hope that you will notice what I'm sharing and invest in yourself by saying yes to a 1-month trial - and you will get to keep the five free gifts I outlined.
If you cancel your free trial — (which I'm sure you won't) — you still keep all five products for free!
Every month, sent via physical mail to your doorstep, will be a letter from yours truly.
The letter will help you make connections between astrology, current events, and our shared mission on this planet
Each issue of Cosmically Abundant contains information and connections about spirituality, science, and our role on the planet - but it is also magically encoded with frequency activations, sigils, and spells in order to activate and transform.
Topics include:
What this Pluto in Aquarius era means, and what we can learn from similar eras in history (issue #1!)
Understanding Your Assignment: how Human Design and Gene Keys give us the secret to life
Variable - the most overlooked, yet most important part of the Human Design system (that you would spend months researching in a Google-hole and still be confused)
What the Mystery Cults of the Ancient World, the Origins of Christianity, and a new movement within the Protestant Clergy have in common (hint: 🍄)
Why the ancient texts of the Gnostic Gospels were systematically destroyed by the Church Fathers, and what we can learn from a treasure trove of ancient manuscripts discovered in a village in Egypt in 1945
How a normal Canadian man had a "Bad Trip" in Ibiza in the 80's and accidentally channeled a complete esoteric system showing us how to live our lives
The Goddess of Discord Eris, her minor planet, and how she got Pluto demoted from planetary status
What the moon's nodes mean for our soul's evolution, and how to work with them to find your path in this incarnation
You'll also learn about past life readings, meditation techniques, spiritual practices, and how to put them into practice.
These are just a few of the topics that I cover in Cosmically Abundant.
You're going to get a behind-the-curtains personal look into my daily life. I share with you what I'm working on in my spiritual journey, and my life!
That way, you can learn from my example and apply these gems of wisdom to your own life.
That, my friend, is my commitment to you. It's me writing to you one-on-one every single month. It's me writing to you as your teacher, your mentor, and your guide.
I want you to experience the fulfillment of living the art of spiritual development.
I want you to experience the mind-bending benefits of meditation, applied astromancy, and consciousness studies.
Heck, I may want all of this for you even more than you want it for yourself! And that's fine.
That's why I'm here. I'm the Server of Aspiration!
Every month, you will experience the excitement of my newsletter arriving on your doorstep. You will look forward to that time when you get to rip open a fresh new issue, sit down with a cup of cacao, and unplug from digital distractions..
I know this letter will transform your life.
To recap——
By saying "maybe" to Cosmically Abundant, you will get the following five products for free:
Intro to Your Human Design (30 Minute Live 1:1 Session) - $111 Value
Human Design 101 (45 Minute Master Class) - $44 Value
Decoding Your Birth Chart (45 Minute Master Class) - $33 Value
Life Changing Bio Hacks (22 Page eBook) - $22 Value
Build the Meditation Habit (14 Day Email Course) - $14 Value
Intro to Your Human Design (30 Minute 1:1 Live Session) - $111 Value
Human Design 101 (45 Minute Master Class) - $44 Value
Decoding Your Birth Chart (45 Minute Astrology Master Class) - $33 Value
Life Changing Bio Hacks (22 Page eBook) - $22 Value
Build the Meditation Habit (14 Day Email Course) - $14 Value
You will receive an email with instant access to the four products, plus instructions on how to book your 1:1 session, immediately upon purchase.
You will also receive a FREE 1-month trial of Cosmically Abundant, an ink-and-paper publication shipped on the 22nd day of each month. (My goal is for it to land on your doorstep on or before the 1st.)
All I ask is that you pay the shipping & materials cost of $7.77 for your first issue today.
After your free 1-month trial of Cosmically Abundant ends, your subscription will proceed automatically at its regular price of $44.44/month.
You can cancel at any time and still keep all four products for free. (You do need to book your 1:1 session before you cancel, though!)
Get ready to expand your mind!
Your card will be charged $7.77 today. After your 1-month trial of Cosmically Abundant ends, it renews automatically at $44.44 per month. You can cancel anytime by emailing [email protected] or texting or calling +1 253-252-5574.
Each issue of Cosmically Abundant is sent to the print shop on the 22nd day of each month. My goal is for it to land on your doorstep on the 1st. (International friends, yours will likely arrive a week or two after the 1st.)
For instance, if you started your trial on July 15th, your first issue would be sent to the print shop on July 22nd, and would arrive on or around August 1st.
The print shop takes 1-2 business days to print, package, and ship your issue.
For U.S. customers: Your issue will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail or FedEx (it takes 1-3 business days to arrive).
For International customers: Your issue will be shipped——with love and care——via standard mail (and takes 3-6 weeks to arrive).
If you ever have any questions about your order, I want you to email me personally at [email protected]. I will take care of you.
No. I only want those who are committed for the long haul. Listen, hearken unto me: I am dedicating my life to making this the most life-changing letter you'll ever read. Each issue contains material that builds off the previous issue. This is why it's important for you to stick with it for the long haul. I am certain your spirituality and life will be transformed by subscribing to this letter. If you are not able to commit to long-term spiritual growth and development, then I'm not for you.
This covers the cost of shipping and materials. I don't skimp out on quality. The type of paper I use is thick 60 lb opaque paper.
Don't worry; the price you get in at today is what you'll pay forever. I do intend to increase the price to $77.77/mo. in the future (which is what it's really worth). However, the rate you get today ($44.44/mo.) is the rate you'll pay forever.
No, that defeats the purpose of having a free trial. The reason I offer a 1-month free trial is to give you a taste of what you'll get. Still, if you're unhappy, I'm unhappy!——which is why you can cancel your subscription anytime by phone, email, or heck——even by writing to my office. Full contact details are found below.
Any other questions?
Great. You know what to do.